Registration period: 1 - 10 years
Registration timeline: immediate
Activation timeline: 6 - 12 hours
Number of characters: 3-63
Registration of a .UK domain name is subject to the following conditions:
Administrative contact:
Address in United Kingdom required
Domain name:
Until 10th June 2019, the shorter .UK domain is reserved to the registrant of the equivalent in .CO.UK, .ORG.UK, .ME.UK, .NET.UK, .PLC.UK or .LTD.UK registered prior to 28th October 2013
To proceed with the transfer of a .UK domain name, you must ask the current registrar to push the domain to us with tag NETIM-FR
The transfer is free of charge because this operation doesn't include a domain name renewal.
You will benefit from all our services until the current expiration date of the domain name, when you will have to renew it at the pricing in force.